Why You Need More Salt On Keto Diet?

more salt on keto diet

When following a ketogenic diet, our bodies function differently. In the simplest terms, burning carbohydrates as fuel to turn into fat causes our body to become out of balance as electrolytes become unbalanced. One mineral that the body cannot live without and is often depleted on a keto diet is sodium. When eating a high fat diet, it is essential to consume more salt in keto. In this article, you’ll find reasons why you need to include more salt when following a keto lifestyle and how to consume sodium properly.

Why do You Need More Salt on Keto?

On a ketogenic diet, your body functions differently and you shift from primarily burning carbohydrates (glucose) as fuel to using fat and ketones! This is the ketogenic diet. When you switch to ketosis, your body loses stored electrolytes, including sodium (salt). Your body cannot live without this essential mineral, which is often depleted in a keto diet. Sodium is needed to regulate water and sodium retention and other areas.

Sodium is abundant in the standard American diet, but it is naturally consumed less in a keto diet. Most people on the standard American diet also typically consume large amounts of processed table salt rather than a more natural and healthy salt source like Celtic sea salt.

Salt has been demonized in recent decades, despite conflicting research on the subject. If your sodium levels drop too low, you can feel the unpleasant symptoms of keto flu, such as fatigue, brain fog and dizziness. Fortunately, keto flu is short-lived and can be prevented by taking the right steps, such as replenishing electrolytes and staying hydrated.

Low sodium levels can also cause problems such as digestive issues, as the muscles of the digestive tract need sodium to function properly. Some people with low sodium levels experience nausea, constipation and other digestive problems. In general, low electrolyte levels can increase your risk of muscle cramps.

How to Consume Sodium Properly

Processed foods and restaurant foods have a lot of salt (sodium chloride) – but that’s not a free pass to start eating these things frequently in order to fight the keto flu. These foods often contain many other harmful ingredients, and there are healthier ways to increase your sodium and electrolyte intake.

Here are some ways you can increase your sodium intake to ease the side effects of keto flu:

  • Drink 1 cup or more of savory bone broth a day – it’s also a great source of protein and other important nutrients!
  • Add 1-2 teaspoons of salt to your daily meals.
  • Eat pickled foods, such as olives, pickles and sauerkraut.
  • Choose standard rather than “low sodium” sauces and dressings for cooking.
  • Shake some salt in a glass of water a few times a day. Adding some lemon or lime juice can also help improve hydration.

Remember the difference between sodium and salt. Sodium is a pure mineral, while most table salt is a complex mixture of sodium chloride. While this commodity may all look the same to you, there are some healthier salt options on the market. Some of your best choices for salt include:

  • Pink Himalayan salt, which also contains calcium, potassium, magnesium and other beneficial minerals.
  • Iodized salt, which contains iodine, contributes to thyroid health.
  • Kosher salt, similar in composition to regular table salt (sodium chloride), except that it is prepared according to traditional Jewish law. The larger flake size also adds a different texture and a stronger flavor when used in cooking or sprinkled on food.
  • Dulse or Dulse Salt – dulse is a type of seaweed that is a great source of sodium, calcium, potassium and iron. Sprinkling dried shallow water flakes or shallow water salt on your food can greatly increase the mineral content of the ocean.

Other Type of Salts 

1. Black Salt

Often mistaken for rock salt. It is also known as Himalayan black salt and has a pungent odor due to the presence of sulfur. It is extracted from Himalayan salt beds or lakes. Earlier this salt was consumed in unprocessed form, but now it is processed by adding sodium chloride, sodium sulfate and sodium bisulfate.

Benefits of black salt: If black salt is unrefined or unprocessed, it helps relieve muscle cramps, improves acidity and helps reduce the water retention; which is the actual cause of weight gain.

2. Rock Salt

It is a type of salt water that is extracted from lakes and sea water, leaving sodium chloride when they are evaporated. Also known as Sendha namak, it contains not only sodium chloride, but also minerals such as zinc, iron, cobalt, nickel, manganese and copper. This type of salt is the most unrefined salt and no artificial nutrients or external chemicals are added during the production process. It replenishes essential electrolytes in the body to help it function well. It also alkalizes the blood.

Benefits of Rock Salt: It helps in the proper digestion of food, boosts metabolism and immunity with its high mineral content; it reactivates insulin in the body, improves muscle spasms, treats sore throats, reduces swelling, and promotes healthy hair, eyesight and skin.

Using rock salt instead of table salt can lead to iodine deficiency, which in turn affects the body’s growth, development and metabolism. Therefore, one can mix rock salt with table salt, but should not take it alone on a regular basis. 

3. Table Salt

It is extracted from underground salt mines and processed extensively by adding external chemicals such as bleach so as to avoid clumping. This salt is not good for the body because all the minerals are washed out and it is rich in sodium. Such salt can cause dehydration and increase the chances of blood pressure and diabetes.


From the statement above, it’s clear that you should consume more salt if you’re on keto diet. You can take measures according to the ones listed above, but remember to consult your doctors before you change any part of your lifestyle.

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