How To Maintain Keto Weight Loss?

maintain keto weight loss

The keto diet is widely considered to be one of the most successful diet strategies for rapid weight loss. After browsing through the success stories of keto weight loss on the Internet, you will quickly be convinced that keto may be the right diet for you.

However, guidance available for long-term keto diets is scarce. What should you do after you reach your health and weight loss goals? Should you continue the keto diet or increase your carbohydrate intake? Should you go back to your old way of eating or cycle through a keto diet every few months?

To find out how to maintain your keto weight loss results over time, let’s look through the research and strategies that others have used successfully. With the help of this information, you’ll be able to develop your own personal approach that will help optimize your health and maintain keto your weight loss results for life.

Why do People Gain Weight after Keto?

In reality, most people who lose weight through any form of dieting regain the weight, sometimes more than they lost. Only 20% of dieters who start out overweight successfully lose weight and maintain it over time.

Weight gain is more likely after keto diet because it is extremely restrictive – severely limiting carbohydrate intake to less than 5% of total daily caloric intake.

People tend to gain weight after adopting a keto diet for several reasons:

  1. They don’t exercise enough.
  2. They return to eating high-sugar, ultra-processed foods.
  3. They don’t eat enough fiber.
  4. They continue to eat high-fat, protein-heavy meals with red meat.
  5. They give up newly learned healthy habits when they regain some weight initially.
  6. They do not work with a registered dietitian, nutritionist or healthcare provider to develop an individualized post-keto diet plan.

How to Main Weight Loss after Keto?

There are some methods that you can use to ensure that your transition from keto does not have adverse effects on your weight loss journey.

Gradually Increase How Many Carbs You Eat

You’ve been counting carbs like crazy, and by now you’re probably an expert at it. Now is not the time to stop counting altogether. For the first week, add 10 grams of carbohydrates a day. Choose healthy sources of carbohydrates, such as whole grains, beans, fruits and starchy vegetables. Take a piece of paper and track your weight and how you feel. Increase that number weekly or every other week, depending on your goal.

Add More Protein to Your Plate

Lean proteins, such as skinless chicken, fish and lean cuts of red meat, have a high caloric effect. This means they contain elements that either naturally boost your metabolism or are high in fat or protein; which requires more energy to digest and, therefore, raise your metabolism.

Foods with a low thermic effect, such as carbohydrates, cost your body relatively little energy to digest and metabolize. 

Shift to Paleo Diet

Moving from one diet plan to another can be a tedious process. But the paleo diet is somewhat lenient and does not compromise health.

The paleo diet is also a diet plan in which Paleolithic foods are eaten. This diet is also known as the Paleolithic diet, the Stone Age diet, the hunter-gatherer diet or the caveman diet. The general foods eaten were fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, lean meats, fish, olive oil, and walnut oil.

Foods avoided were wheat, beans, sugar, dairy products and potatoes. Because of the paleo diet, you can add extra carbohydrates to your diet. It keeps you within specific limits so the diet doesn’t get off track.

These carbohydrates are nutritious and high in fiber. It doesn’t matter that you follow the paleo diet religiously. It just helps you get off the keto diet.

Avoid Previous Bad Habits
For some people, going off keto means they revert to their old bad habits. That’s what causes people to come off the wagon – they go back to some old habits, which is very understandable. We are genetically hardwired to like sugar.

This tendency to pick up old eating habits can cause dieters to consume more carbohydrates than expected, and carbohydrates are usually the culprit for weight gain.

Avoid Processed and Packaged Food

Processed and packaged foods contain higher levels of carbohydrates and unhealthy fats. It is also beneficial to avoid them without any diet. The basic bottom line is that we don’t know how the food is cooked and processed.

Packaged foods also contain many preservatives that are harmful to the body. Processed foods are usually treated with chemicals that are sometimes not mentioned on the package.

Keep on Moving

To maintain your keto diet for weight loss, adopt a more active lifestyle. Not only will this help keep the weight off, but it will also improve your overall health.

Practice regular exercise throughout the day by taking frequent breaks, walking regularly, and stretching or doing yoga during the day.

The benefits of regular exercise should not be overlooked. In fact, it’s been proven that maintaining regular activity throughout the day has a greater impact on your overall health than one big workout.


Keto diet is truly a strict yet effective diet plan. It’s safe to say that it’s difficult to achieve your weight loss goal. You must want to keep your weight loss results when you stop the keto diet. Several effective tips are offered above. You can keep in shape if you follow them correctly.

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